Instant insights, competitor tracking, and market trends with just a few clicks.
Ready when you are, so you can make smarter decisions, faster.

The Power of Retail Data
Under Your Thumb

How We Help

RetailX recognises the critical role data plays in today’s retail environment.
We offer a comprehensive suite of data products, complimented by RetailCraft our exclusive leadership network, designed to equip retail professionals with the tools they need to thrive.

Research Platform

Explore, interact and compare data with interactive charts and live data sets on consumers, retailers and leadership sentiment.

Data Packs

Download enriched lists of the retailers and brands in our Annual Performance rankings. 


Custom Projects

We design, conduct, analyse, and publish research tailored to your specific needs – retailers, brands, markets, or consumers.

Leadership Network

If you’re a ranked retailer or brand, join the RetailCraft network for exclusive benefits and insights.

Save time and
make faster decisions

Our on-demand platform empowers data-driven decision making in minutes, not days

Unlock your
competitive Edge

Relevant, commercial and easily digestible  data tailored for retail leaders

Ensure data quality,
every time

Our rigorous research methodology guarantees data accuracy and completeness 

Who We Help

1 Retailers & Brands
2 Investors & Analysts
3 Consultants & Agencies
4 Vendors
Retailers & Brands

Retailers & D2C Brands

Struggling to understand your customers and their evolving preferences? 
Get unparalleled insight with our quarterly surveys of 10,000 consumers across 20 countries and 12 languages.

Need a clear view of the retail landscape?
Benchmark against your competitors with five years of rich data and insights covering Financials, Web Traffic,
Delivery and Returns.

Get actionable insights from the leaders behind the brands
Our quarterly leadership barometer of digital D2C leaders, covers skills, prospects, strategy and outlook.
Ideal for benchmarking and future-proofing your digital strategy.
Retailers & D2C Brands
Investors & Analysts

Investors & Analysts

Need to assess the performance of retail companies?
Access our in-depth financial analysis, Retail performance metrics and competitive benchmarking to inform your
investment decisions.

Want to identify emerging trends and opportunities in the retail sector?
Stay ahead of the curve with our trend analysis, consumer behaviour insights, and future-looking forecasts.

Get data-driven insights to support your investment thesis
Our comprehensive datasets and expert analysis provide the evidence you need to build compelling
investment cases.

Consultants & Agencies

Consultants & Agencies

Need to develop innovative retail strategies for your clients?
Tap into our rich dataset of consumer behaviour, market trends, and competitor analysis to generate actionable insights.

Want to identify new business opportunities in the retail sector?
Explore our market segmentation and opportunity analysis to discover untapped potential.

Looking to enhance your client offerings with data-driven solutions?
Partner with us to deliver exceptional value to your clients through our customised data insights and consulting services.



Looking to identify high-potential retail prospects?
Uncover untapped opportunities with our detailed retailer segmentation and performance analysis.
Identify retailers most likely to benefit from your products or services.

Need to prove the value of your products or services?
Leverage our consumer data to demonstrate how your offerings address key retailer pain points and drive sales.

Want to optimise your sales and marketing efforts?
Gain a competitive edge by understanding retailer priorities, challenges, and preferences
through our in-depth research.

Effortless Insights,
Elevated Results

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